September 13, 2010

Conference versus workshops

I have been thinking about the conferences we have arranged so far: the feedback in every case has been, "May we have more time to talk to each other?"  So I have done that, and this year, as we are all at the same conference centre, 24 hours a day, there will be plenty of time to mix and mingle and feel that blessed relief that comes from being in a room full of womb twin survivors, who all understand how you feel.  [details here]

However, there is so much more that can be offered, not just an annual conference. I am going to experiment -  on my own initiative this time, not through - with a weekend workshop, for womb twin survivors only and not more than 8 people.

Can I have some feedback on how this could be carried out? Theoretically, if you were to come to a weekend workshop (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon)  what kind of thing would you like to experience?

I was thinking of April 2011, at the same place as this years conference.  What do you all think?

1 comment:

  1. I like both - the grand, exciting, commaraderie of the full blown convention, with all the networking, hanging out and meeting people at night, etc., and also the more intense roll up your sleeves, work, and learn stuff that happens in a good workshop.
