April 07, 2011

Interview on US Blog - When parents handle it well, the surviving twin handles it well

I recently met a womb twin survivor who is quite well adjusted and ok with it all.
I had to know more about his story ... what is his secret?
It wasn't a secret! He and his family handled it well and it made all the difference.

I just happened to meet this person and discover we both lost our twin sister at birth. He is not involved in the womb twin community and has no awareness of the healing path or that there are others like him who are on it.

He struck me as a rare example of a womb twin survivor who is well adjusted and accepting of the situation and therefore free of many problems associated with the syndrome, largely in part due to the healthy way he and his family embraced the loss. There were many generations of twins in the family and this was simply his version of the twin story which was acknowledged and had its place in the family history. Unlike so many families in our culture who repress lost twins, usually out of grief and ignorance which causes further damage due to mishandling, he and his family handled it well and therefore it sits well in him.

Check out Part 1 of 2 of this interview with an adult male whose fraternal twin sister was lost during the birth process, although it was understood she would go from early on (most likely due to twin-to-twin transfusion), as she was undernourished.


Then stay tuned for Part 2...and more about educating parents on handling womb twin loss. Let's do what we can to minimize the damage by showing parents how to do it right!

With extreme gratitude for living at a time where this can be embraced in the world. With our work, I am hopeful that someday this will be an acknowledged part of society so that womb twins won't have the added burden of painful explanations when we just need comfort and support....


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