Besides being very symbiotic (twins feels intuitively what their siblings feels; they cannot avoid this perception) and spiritual, the twins intrauterine experience is very physical. The touch, the physical contact with his friend from the beginning of life is so familiar to him; it gives him safeness and comfort. At first both feel united as if they were One; they cannot understand the difference between each other... their bond is so close ...that intimacy is hard to describe.
Since its birth, and while growing, baby twins become aware of their body confines, they start to distinguish their body from the body of his brother or sister, and the two individuals become separated from each other. But even if life and distance separates them, the intensity of their bond of brotherly love remains, as well as its history of an initial connection of great intimacy. Here a woman describes the relationship with her sister in a beautiful testimony of such complicity. Another witness in the first person that speaks of longing for body contact including, is a girl who lost her twin as early as a teenager, see here.
And what about single born twins?
Also keeping alive the memory of the comfort in body contact with the Other, they have not had the chance to decode and integrate these feelings in childhood (see here a poignant example) they do not know where these impulses come from ...
The prenatal experience influences the present life to the level of social relationships, professional life and certainly also of sexual life. The deep loving relationship between twins has nothing sexual, however, in life outside the womb, the sexual relationship is one of the ways to recriate this level of closeness between two human beings. For survivors of a twin pregnancy the choice of his sexual partner may be imbued with the attempt to rescue this remote experience, that is, as distant as it is, still present - the unity with the Other. Homosexuality and bisexuality may appear as a possibility to express the inner body wisdom and reenact the body closeness with his same sex twin, or his triplets of both sexes.
This is the hypothesis: can the traumatic loss of a twin embryo, in the first weeks of pregnancy, influence the survivor's sexual choices and orientation, leading him to make a bond with the person that can satisfy his need to recreate the kind of intimacy that his body remembers from the time when he was just a small embryo?