October 30, 2010

William Shatner has a programme on TV, here in Canada, called "Weird or What?". Weird name for a telly programme and I had not watched it until last night when, for some reason, I decided to give it a go. He was telling three "Weird" stories. The first was, in no way, weird to me as I have dealt with this situation in my work and, as I am not a scientist, never considered it to be weird. He was telling the story of a man who had had a heart transplant and, thereafter, developed the tastes, personality and preferences of the donor. As the heart is the seat of all of life's issues that does not seem remotely weird to me, but it did to Mr Shatner and so it was investigated. What was amazing to me was that scientists were interviewed who agreed that this could happen! They were of the opinion that cells retain memory of who we are; especially the cells of the heart and brain. Next he investigated perfect circles of ice in rivers. Again I did not find this to be weird. Surely, I thought, there must be some kind of eddy. In due course, this was proved to be the case. Having got this far through the programme I thought I might as well see what the last weird item was and I have to say I am glad I did.
A couple in the USA were in need of financial assistance and applied for State aid. I do not understand the process but that does not matter, the point which does matter is that they were required to provide DNA samples to prove that they were the parents of the four children for whom they were claiming benefits. So far so good. He was found to be the father of all three but she was found to be the mother of.......none! Her DNA did not match that of any of the children. How could this be, as she was the mother; there was SO much evidence to support her claim to be the mother, yet the DNA did not support it. Well, to cut a long story short, it transpires that there is a ..........I'm not sure what it is........condition, syndrome, occurrence, thing?...........where twins are created in utero and then merge to become one human being. It is called Chimera. It occurs at a very early stage of development; when there are only two or four cells. This results in the person having two sets of DNA. If it happens later and the twins were male and female then the person born would be hermaphrodite. If the merging takes place at a later stage still then there would be conjoined twins (as I understand it, remember I am NOT a scientist!) The DNA inherited by the lady's children was from her ovaries, but it was a different DNA to that found in her hair and cheeks. When DNA samples were taken from the usual places the DNA did not match that of the children. When she gave birth to their fourth child the judge ordered that an official was present and that samples were again taken, but yet again this child was, genetically, not hers! The true situation was discovered when they took DNA samples from her cervix and found a second set of DNA.

They said that there are only 40 people known to have this DNA anomaly IN THE WHOLE WORLD! Naturally, it set me thinking about womb twin survivors; could any of us have two sets of DNA? I enclose the link to Wikipaedia on the subject of Chimera, if you scroll down to "See Also" and click on Lydia Fairchild you will find the story of this lady (the version here is slightly different to the Weird or What one, but not markedly so). What an amazing story! What a frightening situation for her to be in! What an interesting thought to think that any of us could actually have, within us, our twin's DNA.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Yes, this DNA thing turns our entire legal system upside down which is yet another reason to keep us quiet. This invalidates convictions and judgements based on solid evidence that - oops, is not solid. Too huge to think about.

    I would love to test for multiple dna, I'm sure I'd have it. I'm certain I absorbed someone and have proof my twin did (she had extra toes) - I believe we were originally quadruplets (feel more identical than fraternal, thus there had to be four) but us twins absorbed the other set very early and then my twin died just after our premature birth.

    Although the early parts of my womb story can't be proven, it really doesn't matter, what matters is that arriving at that truth set me free to heal. It's what your body believes and feels, and maybe my body is feeling like it's more than one! Funny, I have Type AB Blood which is rare and the newest type - a merge of two, like Twin A & Twin B combined. I wonder how many womb twins have Type AB Blood?

  2. Truth is truth and your heart knows your truth. As I am forever saying to my clients..."Follow the peace" If you have peace about your early life then listen to it. What does it matter if you can 'prove' it or not?
    I am delighted to hear you say you were set free to heal; that is SO very important.
    My hairdresser tells me I have two heads (Well, half of two if you see what I mean!) I do wish we(my brother and I ) had decided on whither I should have wavy or straight hair before we shared heads though!!
