August 11, 2010


My name is Jo. My womb twin is Joy Elizabeth Sarah. She was absorbed into my body as a teratoma and surgically removed on April 5, 1989. That made for a horrid memory of a funeral for my sister. I have been "percolating" in the world of my womb  twin and very confused for a long time. I had my teratoma confirmed as a womb twin in 2008. (on the exact date of my 50th birthday...August 27, 2008) Since then I have baptized her, bought both of  us toys and treasures, and been completely obsessed with her.

Sunday, August 8, 2010, I taught my first Reiki Level One class. As with all things, when I teach, I learn the most. Joy spoke to me after I asked my co-teacher who has psychic abilities to talk to Joy for me. I was told three things:
  • I love you
  • I have always been with you
  • I would like mint ice cream for my birthday.
What happened for me is that I broke loose tears from a long time waiting.
After Sunday, and the new release of grief, I connected immediately back to my homeground with Womb I started blogging on the Womb Twin USA site and had the complete honor of talking to Monica over Skype.
(that conversation was yesterday, August 9, 2010).

TODAY, August 10, 2010, one of my adopted daughters was attempting to give birth. She ran into complications and the family engaged me as a prayer warrior. I did pray and I also asked permission to do distance Reiki.

As I was praying for Ashley and her C-Section birthing of  her baby Camryn, I felt called to image my opening up of my own of my abdomen where Joy, my wombtwin, resided for 30 years with me. As I continued to send Reiki to Ashley I too received a blessing. I felt my abdomen shrink into nothing and where my midsection scar remains from my surgery in 1989 feels like it is sunken in tissue and all shriveled up on either side of the scar. Joy is free, she is not mad at me for letting her go and I am going to just sit with this new event to see where it takes me.
Reiki seems yet another wonderful tool to help us heal and deal and feel our wombtwin world.
Submitted with love, respect, humility and intense gratefulness.
Goodbye JOY, from my abdomen and HELLO JOY to my world of memorial.
Josephine (Jo) 
WombTwin USA

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